Traditional ceviche recipes consists of raw seafood tossed with an acidic marinade (think: citrus juice or vinegar) that “cooks” the fish. In this shrimp ceviche recipe, we cook the shrimp before marinating it in lemon, lime and orange juices, plus chiles for some heat. Avocado adds creaminess to help the dish come together. Serve this shrimp ceviche with tostones (fried plantain chips) or tortilla chips. Recipe courtesy of Emeril Lagasse, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. Source: EatingWell Magazine, March/April 2010
Make Ahead Tip: Prepare through Step 2 and refrigerate for up to 4 hours.
Kitchen Tip: A nonreactive bowl or pan--stainless-steel, enamel-coated or glass--is necessary when cooking with acidic foods, such as lemon, to prevent the food from reacting with the pan. Reactive pans, such as aluminum and cast-iron, can impart an off color and/or off flavor.
Nutrition Facts
Per Serving:
169 calories; 11.4 g total fat; 1.7 g saturated fat; 71 mg cholesterol; 466 mg sodium. 350 mg potassium; 8.9 g carbohydrates; 2.4 g fiber; 4 g sugar; 8.9 g protein; 408 IU vitamin a iu; 27 mg vitamin c; 49 mcg folate; 46 mg calcium; 30 mg magnesium;
1/2 Fruit, 1 1/2 Lean Meat, 2 Fat
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